Ramsgate in
Located on the eastern coast, Ramsgate is the landing place of the Anglo-Saxon warriors Horsa and Hengist, as well as the Christian missionary St. Augustine (597). Ramsgate developed as a center for trade towards the middle of the 18th century, and the emergence of the Kent coalfield in the 20th century resulted in greater trade prospects for the town. This town is also home to the Ramsgate Motor Museum. Visit the past when brass and chrome adorned the radiators of cars such as the Calcott, Humber and the Packards. You will find that decades ago, people used to start their car by the crank handle instead of the key, when seats where created out of leather and steering wheels were made of wood. This museum offers a great contrast with the automobiles used in the past and present, and you will be sure to remember the times when a car cost simply 100 pounds!