The Bank of England founded by Royal Charter in 1694 and in public ownership since 1946 serves as the bank to the British government. The museum although small is interesting and is located in the bank’s building in Threadneedle Street and here one can trace the history of the Bank up to the present. Also on display is a reconstruction of the Bank Stock Office built by John Soane in 1793, gold bars dating from Roman times, examples of early handwritten British bank notes as well as an examination of how they are designed and produced today. A simulation enables one to feel what it is like to trade or deal in the USA/UK spot market.
Located at: Bartholomew Lane,
Telephone: 020 7601 5545
Opens: weekdays 10.00 am – 17.00pm (not bank holidays)
Cost: Free
Closest Subway Station: Mansion House Station
to see more atrraction at this station) |